Thursday, February 9, 2012

Surge in Review 2/8/2012

Last night we continued "The Journey" series.  We devoted a great deal of time specifically to Scripture last night.  We traveled with Paul and Barnabas as they sailed from Paphos to Perga (This is where John-Mark left the team) and then traveled on foot to Pisidian Antioch.  We talked about honoring the mileage as we read from 2nd Corinthians 11 and wondered if any of these trials and persecutions that Paul faced happened on this trip.  After they arrived in Pisidian Antioch they went to the synagog on the sabbath.  We discussed how this was a pattern that Paul established on his journeys into different towns.  He went first to the people who had a similar background (the entire Old Testament) before he began preaching/teaching to the Gentiles.  During this particular portion of Scripture we read that Paul was given the opportunity to speak.  We related this to "Fear" and how we are all given or will be given opportunities to speak/act but may be too paralyzed with fear.  Paul had a glimpse of how these Jewish folks might act towards the message of Jesus.  He too had once been in a Jewish council that listened to a young man named Stephen preach about Jesus.  The outcome of that was the Jews stoning Stephen to death as Saul/Paul was watching their clothes and gave approval to the stoning.  Could it be possible that after Paul stands up that he is in line for stones being thrown at him as well?  When you read this portion of Scripture from Acts 13, honor the mileage.  Do not be afraid!

Scriptures to Check out:

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