Thursday, April 12, 2012

SURGE in Review 4/11/12

The Game:

Finger Ninja you can check out the vid by clicking here.  A pretty crazy and fun game!

The Worship:

Last night Katie and the Band led us in "Marvelous Light", "Better is One Day", "Mighty to Save", and "Give us Clean Hands".  This was Ryan's first night on the big stage at CYM!

The Lesson:

Last night we wrapped up Paul's second missionary journey by talking about his trips to Athens and Corinth.  We focused in on how Paul didn't waste his spare time while he was waiting for his companions to join him.  He took to the streets, became distressed that the city was full of idols, and then began a dialogue with the residents to point them towards the one true God.  Our question of the night was basically, how would you introduce your God to someone if you had the spare time to engage in conversations with the people you meet?  How would you describe your God?  What did God create during the first 6 days recorded in our Scripture?  What was God's relationship with the Jews during the Old Testament?  Who is Jesus?  What did Jesus do while he lived on the Earth?  What was the most important thing Jesus ever did?  Paul's journey in Athens didn't lead to tons of people coming to Jesus.  But it did lead to some.  Acts 17:34 tells us "A few men became followers of Paul and believed.  Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, also a woman named Damaris, and a number of others."  Did Paul's intentional dialogues revolutionize the church?  Maybe not...but they did revolutionize the lives of Damaris and Dionysius.  Sometimes we get too focused on crowds and numbers that we sometimes lose focus of the individuals.  In Corinth, Paul met some valuable Kingdom people in Priscilla and Aquila.  He spent a year and a half in Corinth, by far the longest stay by Paul thus far on his journey. After the year and a half, Paul went for a very brief time to the city of Ephesus before returning home.

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