Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jesus Paid it All...

One of the "new" songs that I am teaching our students this summer at CYM is an old hymn that has recently become popular again.  What I love about this song is that it communicates to our students that they don't have to be the brightest, smartest, prettiest, fastest, biggest, strongest.  They can find their identity in Jesus.  We are talking in SURGE about making the best out of the second chances we are given.  So for fun, I want to go through each line of a couple of the verses and the chorus and have a common day reaction to those words written back in 1865.

I hear the Savior Say
(that is if I can turn off my iPod, iPhone, PS3, Xbox360, or my Nintendo Wii)
Thy strength indeed is small
(who is God to tell me how weak I am...in fact my parents have been telling me for years that I am a big kid now and that I need to grow up)
Child of weakness watch and pray
(Now you are insulting me by calling me a weak child...and what exactly do you want me to watch???)
Find in Me thine all in all
(So you're telling me that I can find everything I ever need in the Creator of the universe?)

Jesus paid it all
(What did Jesus pay and what did He purchase?)
All to Him I owe
(Wait a minute...I don't owe anybody anything...except Discover, Visa, and Mastercard...)
Sin had left a crimson stain
(a little bit of sin never has hurt anybody much less permanently stained anything)
He washed it white as snow
(He did what?  How? Why would He do that?)

When before the throne
(now your talking Lord of the Ringish language!!!)
I stand in Him complete
(How in the world will I ever be able to stand with Jesus...I am not good enough)
Jesus died my soul to save
(oh, I see, that doesn't seem fair that he would have to do that for me, He did that?)
My lips shall still repeat
(I think I get this now, I don't understand all of it, but you better believe when I stand before The Judge on that throne with Jesus by my side, I'll be singing this chorus!!!)

Jesus paid it all
(Your Son...I can't describe why...)
All to Him I owe
(I can't tell you where I'd be if He hadn't...I was lost...I was alone...)
Sin had left a crimson stain
(my little bit of sin turned into a gigantic blot in my life...I was a slave to it...it was dark)
He washed it white as snow
(my sin was erased...it was no more...my chains were gone...a new slate...a new chance...a new life)

I was guilty but thank God...Jesus paid it all...

1 comment:

  1. Love your "Amplified" version of this Jon! You sure put it where anyone can understand. Love you!


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