Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Genesee Reflection #6

One of the interests that Henri Nouwen picked up in the monastery was listening to the sounds of birds.  So on Tuesday, August 13th, 1974 Nouwen writes:

    "This morning Father John explained to me that the killdeer is a bird that fools you by simulating injury to pull your attention away from her eggs which she lays openly on a sandy place.  Beautiful Neurosis as weapon!  How often I have asked pity for a very unreal problem in order to pull people's attention away from what I didn't want them to see."

I believe the work of a pastor often figuratively "lays openly on a sandy place."  Our work is often displayed for all to see.  We love to show off the work of our nest as long as it is full or growing.  There are times when pastors use excuses to draw one's attention away from the nest.  What happens when a church/youth group stops growing?  What happens when there are fewer and fewer people meeting together?  What happens when addition is by transfer instead of conversion?  What happens when it appears that souls are no longer being saved?  What happens when you feel as though you are only discipling believers?  What happens when it appears you are no longer connecting the Gospel to the unbelievers?

I like to use the excuse of poor finances...that is a good distracter.  I also like to use the excuse of not enough volunteers...that is a good distracter.  I like to use the excuse that I may be a bit old to connect with students...that is a good distracter.

In his book, "Surprising Insights from the Unchurched", Thom S. Rainer talks about the reasoning behind getting unchurched folks in the door of the church and keeping them there.  It is true that a family member has the greatest influence in getting their unchurched family in the doors.  But it is also true that 90% of those unchurched folks who went from being unchurched to churched that were polled stated that the pastor/preaching was critical in their choice to join the church.  So when I interpret this in youth ministry I believe that 90% of those students who do stay, will stay because of what I do or do not do.  It has been engraved in my brain by John Maxwell that everything rises and falls on leadership.  We don't have any problem getting students in the doors for their first time...We do however have issues with students wanting to return...(don't look in my nest right now)...

I am not saying it is me...we just don't have the finances to keep up...

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