Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Like a Crawdad out of Water...

When I was in cubscouts when I was a kid, we camped where I am camping now: Prairie State  Park.  While walking across the prairie with my cubscout pack, we came across a Crawdad claw.  We were no where around water.  We just assumed that something had eaten the Crawdad and had somehow transported the claw to the middle of dry land.  Today, while hiking on the prairie I came upon this Crawdad in the middle of the walking trail with no water in sight.  He looked very vulnerable and defensive.

In ministry, God calls people from something, to something.  For me, I was called from a construction career plan to a ministry calling.  Over the years, at times, I have felt like this vulnerable, defensive Crawdad.  Education can't prepare you for everything that comes your way in ministry.  College didn't teach me how to grow a church or youth group, how to comfort my students when their mom dies of cancer or suicide, how to handle church politics, or how to get along with the lead pastor. College didn't teach me that some church folk can sometimes be meaner than most non-church folk.  College taught me the basics of the Bible.  Everything else has been learned through experience.  There are still times in ministry when I feel like everyone is counting on me to have all the answers.  When I don't know what to do or say, I need to learn not to get defensive and get my claws out.  I need to learn that I am in a place I am called to...a place that is sometimes out of my element.

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